As per statistics and reports available to use, it has been observed that generally a user leaves a page in a few second and may not really get a chance to know more the products and services advertised on the page. In this case the advertisement campaigns that you run to get the traffic on your page can go for a waste. If you want to avoid this then you can opt for website exit traffic. Under this when a person exits your website, a popup box opens up confirming if he wants to exit. In some cases the popup boxes may be used to encourage the visitor to sign up for newsletter. It is a good way to catch their attention and make your campaign more successful. The alert box may also ask for suggestions and may ask why the user wants to leave the page. This can help you to understand what your consumers are looking for and you can use their feedback to understand their requirement.
In order to make your website exit traffic campaign more effective, the alert boxes can also talk about discounts and offers. This catches the visitor’s attention and is considered to be very useful. You can get your strategies planned by employing a good US web traffic solutions provider who can help you get target traffic easily.
Some of Major industries & services we deal in for US Web Traffic
We drive quality & targeted traffic to your web site, CPM / CPV / CPC Based.. Below are some premium web traffic solutions for building quality traffic to get best return on investments.